We have failed our black community. We have failed not only to build meaningful relationships with them but also to bridge the gap, minimize the disparity, and make the USA a better and safe place for them to live. There is not only a lack of care and dedication to helping the impoverished Black community, but the fact its 2022 and still blacks face systemic racism, inequality, and injustice – the unwillingness from the government to support initiatives and plans that will help and support impoverished Black community is the main problem here. When the elected government is failing to make a difference in the lives of these troubled impoverished Black communities, then we can understand how deep-rooted this problem is. Racism is serious, malnutrition, injustice, inequality, and disparities on all levels are all real, and fighting against them is important.
Yes, healing the wounds of mistreatment and racism is quite hard and eradicating this from grass-root levels requires generations of work by government and people. However, to make things better at the very moment, many organizations have come forward and joined hands to help the impoverished Black communities of the USA. If you want to do your part, you can volunteer with them, show support on social media, or provide donations to them…
One of the biggest issues of the impoverished Black community is that they do not have safe neighborhoods to reside in, and the African American Planning Commission is working on that. A new-york based NGO that is working to reduce homelessness of impoverished Black communities by raising the issue of how they have a shortage of affordable homes and also
addressing issues like domestic violence, mental illness, substance abuse, and much more.
It’s been hundreds of years since slavery was demolished; it is 2022 when people are actively discussing equality and human rights – yet the impoverished Black community is deprived of voting. Thus, the black male voter project focuses on allowing the impoverished Black community to vote and feel politically included.
The LGBTQ community of impoverished Black community is facing great problems. Whether their healthcare, justice, or economic issues, they still have a long way to go. Therefore, this organization is working to provide the LGBTQ-impoverished Black community with opportunities to work.
LUAAC, also known as The League of United African American Citizens, has dedicated time and effort to help the impoverished Black community by elevating their standard of living, providing them food, clothes, education to children, and employment to adults. LUAAC is not looking for temporary solutions. Instead, they are working to find better, sustainable, and long-term solutions that will allow the impoverished Black community to build a better living and life for themselves. This organization is also working under the hashtag of Black lives matter and stands firmly in solidarity with their black brother and sisters to raise their issues and voices against systemic racism, inequality, and oppression. It’s been a whole decade plus more years since Luaac is working. They take pride in serving all impoverished Black community and their neighborhoods and trying to fulfill their every need. From education to job, home, healthcare, and social status – this organization is working to improve the lives of the impoverished Black community from every facet and dimension.
Black girls code is about providing the women of impoverished Black communities a chance to study and build a life in the IT department. Not many black students have access to quality education, and therefore, black girls’ code is playing its part in raising literacy in the impoverished Black community and making them develop the skills of professional programmers.
This organization works to improve the wellness of black women. Wellness does not only mean healthcare, but they are addressing the concepts of hygiene and how to keep them and their environment clean. This organization covers and assists with healthy cooking, environmental justice, sex education, and much more.
Tiger mountain foundation is working to revitalize black neighborhoods along with addressing and countering issues like police brutality and unjust arrests of black people. They are closely working with the justice and parole system to ensure that no black person faces injustice or mistreatment at the hands of the law.